Friday, April 2, 2010

::what would be hilarious?::

yo you know what would be hilarious? if you walked up to a couple on a date in a park while they were sitting on a bench and totally slapped the guy right in the face. then while he was recovering you went in for a smoocharoo on his totally hot girlfriend but at the last minute you pull away and slap her too right on the nose. then you totally jet out of there. because the guy would be offended 1. because you slapped him in front of his girlfriend. 2. because you were gonna kiss his woman. 3. because you didnt kiss her... is she not hot enough or something? 4. he probably wouldnt be mad about the slap cause he probably wished he could have slapped her for the bad mashed potatoes she made the night before. they probably tasted way more like dirt than like potatoes. and she probably didnt understand when he told her that.

then like 2 hours later show up at their house (because you followed them home) with a nice dinner full with chicken rosters. tell them you are sorry and ask if they would please accept this gift. they probably would because they are probably super poor or at least super dumb. then you could sit in your car eating pop corns and their house would blow up.


because you stuffed the chicken roster with full of dynamite.

yo that would be hilarious..hahaha...
think about it...daa~


VIP said...

hehehehe.. :))

VIP said...

i tot its scary...

APEX said...

scary huh?
just imagine that we on that story...wuuuu...

VIP said...

simpang malaikat 44!
hahaha :p

APEX said...

taw xper...
org gler jek yg snggup bwt cm2..
btw...gempak kn story board i..lalala~

VIP said...

gempak deee...